13 August 2013
During a routine inspection
People we spoke with who used the service were very happy with the care and treatment provided at BMI Sefton. Some comments made were:
"It would be unfair for me to single out one member of staff as all the staff at Sefton Hospital were excellent.'
'My consultant is amazing; his surgery and client skills are second to none.'
'I was treated excellently by both day and night staff.'
We found people was treated respectfully and was given clear information about the benefits, risks and costs, where appropriate, of any treatment they would receive.
We reviewed five care files and found them to be well organised with a person centred approach. There was a process in place to manage a patient's care pathway during the stay at the hospital.
BMI Sefton managed staffing levels appropriately and there were suitable arrangements in place to deal with foreseeable emergency staff cover.
Staff told us they felt well supported by their management and peers. They said they worked well as a team.