Two people were at home when we visited. We could communicate verbally with one person who uses the service to find out their views and experiences. They told us they were happy living at the home and could make decisions about what they wanted to do. They said the staff were nice. We observed the care being given to people as part of this review and saw staff centre the care on each individual. Care practices were of a good standard.
Staff interaction was good and it was evident they knew the people they were supporting very well. Staff asked people what they wanted to do and offered people appropriate support.
Staff told us people received good care and people's needs were always met. They said people get appropriate support with their healthcare needs and other professionals were always consulted.
Staff said they worked well together and had a 'good team'. Most staff had worked at the home for a long time so knew people who use the service very well.
Staff said they were well supported by the manager. They said the manager spent a lot of time working directly with people who use the service and alongside staff, so understood what happened at the home.