We carried out this review to check on the care and welfare of people using this service. We carried out our visit during the afternoon and evening time so that we could have the opportunity to meet as many of the 16 people living at Wrekin Cottage when they returned from their daytime activities.
Nine of the people we met were happy to share their views and experiences with us and were fully involved in supporting this review. We also spent time observing the care and support given to the people who did not speak with us but were happy for us to spend time with them in the communal lounges. We spoke with all of the staff on duty and with the area manager for Self Unlimited, the organisation responsible for Wrekin Cottage.
People told us that they were very happy living at the home. The majority of the people living at Wrekin Cottage had lived there for a very long time. Staff told us that the home has not had anyone new move in for approximately three years.
Everybody we met told us they felt fully included and involved in making decisions about their lifestyle at Wrekin Cottage.
We saw that people lived very active lives with varying levels of support. People took part in a range of leisure and social activities, both at home and in the local community. People were involved in developing independent living skills as far as they were able.
People were supported to attend regular health care appointments to keep them well. When people's needs increased or changed there was evidence that the home worked with health and social care professionals to safely and effectively manage the support they required.
All care records were seen to be well organised and reviewed regularly. People were involved to make sure their care plans described their likes and dislikes, needs and preferences to promote their independence.
People said that they enjoyed the meals that they had at Wrekin Cottage and people said that they got together as a group to plan their menus. Staff told us how people were encouraged and supported to eat healthy and nutritious meals in order to maintain their good health.
People were supported to manage their money and effective records and regular checks ensured that people's money was always accounted for.
People were supported by a knowledgeable and well trained staff team who knew people's care and support needs well. People told us that they liked the staff that looked after them and they felt safe. Many of the staff had worked at the home for a long period of time. Staff and people living at Wrekin Cottage regularly described it as being like 'one big family'. They told us relatives are encouraged to be involved and part of that family.
The home effectively ensured that people's views were considered and listened to in relation to the running of the home. We saw that people living at the home had recently been involved in the recruitment of their new manager who was due to start work at Wrekin Cottage the week after our inspection visit.