People we spoke with told us they liked living at the service, they felt safe and were well looked after. They told us the staff were lovely and there were many activities. We also spoke with relatives and they told us that the service was very good and staff kept them informed of any issues or changes to their relative's health. Relatives also said the service had improved over the last few months and the improvements were good for the people who used the service. We spoke with health care professionals who visited the home. They spoke positively about the service provided. They told us they were confident in the staff abilities to meet people's needs. One professional told us, 'The staff have had to deal with many changes to be able to look after one person's needs and I have been impressed how they have adapted and coped with the changes.'
People also told us that staff treated them with respect, listened to them, gave them choices, made them feel safe and supported them. One person told us. 'I really like living here the staff are very good.'
People were protected from the risk of infection and appropriate guidance had been followed. However the environment was in a poor state of repair, many areas required redecoration and carpets were stained and marked and not well maintained.
Effective recruitment and selection processes were in place and there was an effective system to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service that people received.