• Mental Health
  • Independent mental health service


Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Harnham House, 134 Palatine Road,West Didsbury, Manchester, Lancashire, M20 3ZA (0161) 448 1851

Provided and run by:
Eleanor EHC Limited

Report from 12 June 2024 assessment



Updated 6 December 2024

We assessed all the quality statements from this key question. There was insufficient evidence to rate effective at the last inspection but its rating from previous inspections was requires improvement. Our rating for this key question is good. The patient was always at the centre of how their care was planned and delivered. There were systems in place such as community meetings which provided opportunities to raise any issues they encountered in a formal way. They told us they had no concerns raising issues. There was access advocacy services. We saw that the patient could always access the care and support they needed. Individual needs were recognised and reflected in activities. Managers provided evidence that they had support systems in place with those needs, for example dietary, sexual, gender as well as protected characteristics. Reasonable adjustments and support were available for autistic patients and those with a learning disability.