19 July 2012
During an inspection in response to concerns
Relatives said their views had been sought by the provider. People's views had been ascertained in a number of ways. They had been visited by a supervisor, contacted by phone or asked to complete a satisfaction questionnaire. Two relatives commented that they had contacted the agency to discuss the care of people. They knew who to contact and the agency had responded to their request for change. One relative commented about the agency 'Communication is good, they phone me if something has changed'.
Relatives said that, generally, people were visited by the same care worker.
Relatives commented 'some carers are cold but others will go that extra mile' and 'carers are patient and caring'.
Relatives confirmed that a care file was kept in people's homes. This contained information on the care to be provided (care plan) and a daily log, which was completed by the care worker at the end of their visit. One relative commented that the care plan was very basic and could be more detailed.
We spoke with relatives who said that they knew how to raise a concern or a complaint. Some relatives had raised concerns about the care provided and the quality of the service and their concerns had been addressed.
People's care needs were assessed and the provider had developed a care plan which incorporated people's care needs and preferences. There was a system in place for the safe recruitment of staff and protecting people from abuse. The provider monitors the quality of the service and people were asked for their views.