- Independent hospital
Orthopaedics and Spine Specialist Hospital
Report from 22 March 2024 assessment
Ratings - Surgery
Our view of the service
Orthopaedics and Spine Specialist Hospital is an independent hospital based in Peterborough and is operated by Orthopaedics and Spine Specialty Clinic Limited. The hospital provides surgery, outpatients and diagnostic imaging for adults and treated private and NHS patients. We conducted a planned unannounced on-site assessment of surgery services on 14 May 2024, following the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Single Assessment Framework (SAF) and assessed against the safe, effective, and well-led key questions. The overall rating for this service is good. We rated the key questions safe and effective as good. However, we rated the key question well-led requires improvement because the medical advisory committee (MAC) meetings were not quorate, and meetings were not recorded. This meant we were not assured that the MAC was operating effectively.
People's experience of this service
Overall, we were assured people received good care and people’s experiences were positive. Feedback collected by the service from patients, families and relatives reflected a caring and positive experience.