• Care Home
  • Care home

Highview Lodge

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

Cherry Orchard, Gadebridge, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP1 3SD (01442) 239733

Provided and run by:
Runwood Homes Limited

Report from 18 July 2024 assessment

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Updated 8 October 2024

There were mixed views from people and relatives about if care was person centred. Some observations showed people received care in a person centred way, others were not. People’s care plans included information about support, health and social needs. People had access to services. There were mixed views about the sharing of information and communication and listening and involving people. The registered manager had returned from extended leave and planned to get newsletters and communication emails reimplemented. There were also plans to aid better involvement of people and relatives. People received equity in access and experiences and were given the same opportunities. People were supported to plan for the future. End of life care plans would benefit from further development, so they captured the whole person and not only practical care information.

This service scored 68 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Person-centred Care

Score: 2

Most people we spoke with felt their needs were met in a way they liked. A person said, “I’m happy, I have no worries.” However, relatives gave mixed views. A relative said, “Am not sure that [person’s] needs are met i.e. they are supposed to wear pads but quite often they are just in pants and is wet.”

We had limited feedback from staff. Those we had contact with told us they felt they provided person centred care. A staff member said, “I feel our current care team give the best care they can, and they really care about the residents.” The management team told us they felt there had been significant improvements since our last inspection and the areas we identified were isolated incidents.

Care and support were provided when needed. However, there were elements of task led rather than person centred. For example, nobody had a cardigan, or socks, and men were not shaved.

Care provision, Integration and continuity

Score: 3

People with varied care needs were living at the service. Staff worked with visiting health and social care professionals to ensure this support met their needs.

The management team told us a newly implemented lifestyle framework ensured people lived full lives.

Feedback from a recent monitoring visit stated there was access to health and social care professionals appropriately.

Care plans included information from reviews taken place. This included where additional or changing support and equipment was needed. Staff worked with professionals to provide the relevant information.

Providing Information

Score: 2

People told us they had access to information as they needed it. Relatives gave mixed views about communication from the home.

The registered manager told us on their return to the home they would be re -introducing monthly emails to relatives, ask the senior care team to provided information about people’s involvement of activities at care reviews and there was a relative meeting planned.

There were relative’s meetings planned and the registered manager advised of their plans to improve the sharing of information on their return to work. There were systems in the home to enable them to share information in different formats.

Listening to and involving people

Score: 3

People told us there were meetings and most felt they could speak up or make a complaint. Relatives gave mixed views about if they were involved or listened to. A relative said, “I have told them (staff) things, but they don’t listen (example given relating to dietary preferences), and meetings are always held at the same time of day so I can’t make them. I have never been asked for my views.” Another relative said, “I have raised an issue with (staff member) by email regarding TV, waiting still for a response.” They went on to say, “They do ask for views and hold a meeting for friends and relatives; however I feel these dates should be confirmed for the year at the start of a new year, they are held in the day when some people working would not be able to attend due to work.”

Staff told us people were able to speak up and had opportunities to share their views. A staff member said, “Each month we hold a resident and relatives meeting so we can get feedback from all in regard to how we run things at Highview so everyone can have their say. We also have a section on the care plans Relative review. We speak directly to the relatives or residents themselves and ask how they feel they are being cared for and if there is anything we can do to improve the care they receive.”

We saw there was a record of resident meetings. These covered subjects including meals, laundry and activities. The complaints process investigated and responded to complaints appropriately. The process demonstrated a review of information, action taken, and apologies made.

Equity in access

Score: 3

People and relatives told us they received the care, support and medical support when needed.

The management team advised the systems in place in the home helped ensure they had an overview of care and support people received. This gave them assurances everyone had the support needed and opportunities were available to everyone.

Feedback from a recent monitoring visit found no concerns in relation to equity.

There were systems in place to ensure people had access to external health and social care professionals, including out of hours or in an emergency.

Equity in experiences and outcomes

Score: 3

People with a variety of needs, backgrounds and cultures were supported by the home. They told us they felt supported.

Staff told us people were treated equally and as individuals. However, no examples were shared.

The provider had policies in place to ensure people were treated equally. There were opportunities for people to give feedback about their care and support.

Planning for the future

Score: 3

People discussed their preferences about their end of life care with staff when they wished to. People receiving end of life care were comfortable and had the support they needed.

We had limited feedback from staff, those we had contact with were able to explain what good end of life care looked like. A staff member said, “I believe good end of life care is showing the person dignity and respect at all times, ensuring they are comfortable and that their end of life wishes are being met.”

Care plans included end of life care information. This included if people had chosen not to speak about it. There was a record of any Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR). However, the plans would benefit by having a more holistic approach as they were based on practical support.