2 July 2014
During a routine inspection
' Is the service safe?
' Is the service effective?
' Is the service caring?
' Is the service responsive?
' Is the service well-led?
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, speaking with people using the service, the staff supporting them and from looking at records.
Is the service safe?
We observed staff had a good understanding of the service's safeguarding procedures. The home had in place clear lines of responsibility for reporting. There was a culture of learning from events within the home. This demonstrated Bridgeway protected people from unsafe care because the manager and staff were knowledgeable and well-trained.
We noted a need to update the d'cor and upkeep of the home. The environment was clean, tidy and comfortable. There were adequate aids and adaptations to meet the needs of people who lived at Bridgeway. Environmental and equipment checks were regularly carried out. This showed people were safeguarded against unsafe or unsuitable premises and equipment.
Our discussions with staff confirmed they understood the needs of the people in their care. This matched the information we found in people's care records. This meant the provider had protected people from unsafe care by ensuring care planning and risk assessment was appropriate.
Is the service effective?
Documents we reviewed showed support plans and risk assessments were individualised and regularly updated. Support planning matched people's assessed needs. One person told us, 'I've done more in eight weeks than I ever dreamed I could do'. This meant people were protected against ineffective care provision because people's needs were adequately assessed.
We observed staff to be adequately trained and well-supported to undertake their duties. People told us they felt safe and well-cared for. This demonstrated that people were protected from ineffective care delivery because staff were experienced and supported by the manager.
We found that Bridgeway had ample aids and adaptations to support the needs of people who lived at the home. This included manual handling, nutritional support and sensory stimulation equipment. This showed the service had systems in place to ensure care delivery was effective.
Is the service caring?
We spoke with people and their relatives to gain an understanding of their experiences of the support they received. Their response was positive. One person told us, 'I'm very happy'.
Staff explained that they worked in a caring and friendly manner. They described being respectful to and working with people to understand their needs. One staff member told us, 'You can't put a time on quality; it takes as long as it takes. We're not rushed'. This meant people were fully supported because the manager ensured staff were able to deliver care in a timely fashion.
Is the service responsive?
Care records we reviewed evidenced that where people's needs changed, care planning was amended to incorporate these changes. This demonstrated the service had minimised the risks of unsafe care because the service had responded to people's changing needs.
People had been assessed prior to admission, which was then reflected in their care plans. Care was clearly reviewed and planning amended accordingly. This meant people received appropriate support because Bridgeway had responded to people's changing needs.
Is the service well-led?
Bridgeway had a range of quality audits in place. Other regular processes underpinned this, such as resident and team meetings. This meant people were protected against inappropriate care because the manager had systems to check the quality of care. One service user told us, 'The managers are very approachable and have an open door policy'.
Care delivery was well-led and there were clear lines of responsibility. Care planning was in-depth and personalised. This was reflected in our observations during our inspection. One person said, 'The manager doesn't realise what she has done for me. Nice for her to have something back from us to say thank you'. This meant Bridgeway delivered appropriate and safe care because the home was well-led.