11 March 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
When we visited Active Support 25 November 2013 we found that although most people using the service told us they were happy with the service we identified areas that required improvement. These related to obtaining consent from people using the service; assessments and care planning; safeguarding people from abuse; pre recruitment checks and assessing and monitoring the quality of the service.
When we visited 11 March 2014 we found that improvements had been made to the above areas.
We found assessments of people's ability to understand and consent to specific decisions had been assessed and where people were not able to give consent decisions had been made on the person's behalf in their best interests. We found assessments and care plans had been updated and contained all of the information staff needed to care for and support people appropriately. We found improvements to how people were safeguarded from abuse and harm. We found the necessary pre recruitment checks had been carried out.
We also found that improvements had been made to the systems for monitoring the service.