Updated 18 December 2024
Date of assessment: 30 Jan to 4 Feb 2025. The service provides domiciliary care to people living in their own homes in purpose-built bungalows in a community setting. At the time of the inspection 5 people were receiving care from the service. Staff were recruited safely and received an induction and training. However, staff did not always receive regular support in the form of supervisions or meetings. The service involved people in their initial assessment to develop detailed person-centred care plans and assess risks. However, regular reviews had not taken place. People told us staff were respectful. However, some of the language used to describe people in care plans was not always appropriate. The service recognised that people may wish to receive information about how they were cared for in different formats and understood people's communication needs. However, people and relatives told us they were not always aware they could ask for this information. Processes were in place to learn from incidents and accidents. Safeguarding processes were embedded to ensure people received safe care. Staff worked well as a team and with other services to provide effective care and supported people to manage their health and well-being. People had consented to their care. People were treated with kindness, empathy and compassion. Staff respected people's privacy and dignity. People were treated as individuals and their independence was promoted. The service had mechanisms in place to listen to and understand people's needs, views and wishes. Feedback was sought from people, relatives and staff. This was analysed and used to improve the service. The service had a shared vision, strategy and culture, which was understood by staff and people. The service had experienced leaders who had appropriate skills, knowledge and experience. The service had developed and embedded tools to understand the governance and management of the service.