5, 8 June 2013
During a routine inspection
We talked with six people who lived at Butterpark and six people by telephone who received personal care in the community by staff from Butterpark. We also spoke with four relatives of people using the service. They told us that they were happy with the care they received. Their comments included 'Mum has always been happy here, the staff are always lovely' and 'The care is excellent, the staff are great '.
People said that they had choices about their care and felt involved in decisions about them. Arrangements had been put in place for obtaining and acting in accordance with the consent of people in relation to the care provided for them. Staff spoken with demonstrated a good understanding of caring for people who lacked the capacity to make decisions.
People's health care needs were assessed and a care plan put in place to inform staff how to meet peoples needs and ensure their welfare and safety. Some people in the community did not have accurate or detailed care plans in place.
People were protected against the risks associated with medicines because there were appropriate arrangements in place to manage them safely.
Recruitment processes ensured that people remained safe.
Systems were in place to regularly assess and monitor the quality of the service as well as identifying and managing risks relating to the health and welfare of people.