2 December 2013
During a routine inspection
Rochdale MRI Centre provided a managed service for the Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust. The provider had arrangements in place to protect the health, welfare and safety of people referred to the Centre for a scan by other providers. The provider went through safety checks with people referred to them to ensure that a scan was a safe and appropriate procedure for them.
The provider had policies and risk assessments in place in relation to infection prevention and control. One of the senior radiographers was appointed as the infection prevention and control lead at the Centre. Each month they carried out an infection prevention and control audit.
The provider had an induction programme in place which all new employees completed. Arrangements were in place to ensure that all staff received an annual appraisal and interim supervision session every six months. Staff were encouraged to continually develop their knowledge and skills. The provider offered access to courses to enable them to do so.
We saw that the provider had a comprehensive complaints policy.