• Doctor
  • Independent doctor

Baskind Health

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

8 Tinshill Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS16 7AP 07960 226032

Provided and run by:
Baskind Health Limited

Report from 2 April 2024 assessment

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Updated 19 July 2024

The provider delivered a holistic, recovery-oriented service. The service provided a blended approach of psychological and pharmacological treatment options. These options were based on best-practice guidance and met patients’ needs and any protected equality characteristics. Patients valued the understanding of their condition they gained from the assessment process and understood the care and treatment options available. The provider involved patients and their carers in decisions about care, provided written information about medicines and side effects and advised patients on how to lead healthier lives. The provider evaluated and reflected on the quality of care provided to ensure it was delivered to a high standard.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Assessing needs

Score: 3

Patients were consistently positive about their assessments with the service. They described feeling that questions were detailed and specific enough to explore their risks and personal history, and also open so they could explain their own experiences. Patients were confident that their individual needs were appropriately assessed and are fully understood, often describing feeling “heard for the first time.”

Staff completed a comprehensive diagnostic assessment either in person or online. Patients completed online questionnaires and had detailed discussion with a clinician about these and their childhood, education, mental health history, and physical health.

Care records demonstrated that the provider assessed and recorded patients' individual needs, and provided care in a way that met those needs.

Delivering evidence-based care and treatment

Score: 3

The consultant worked with GPs and other external services appropriately. Staff shared information about patients where appropriate via email and telephone. Staff also worked closely with a perimenopause specialist.

There were no concerns about lack of adherence to best practice guidelines. Staff ensured discussions around medication were detailed and thorough.

The provider met with other specialists regularly to learn about new and innovative approaches that evidence showed could improve the way the service delivered care. Care records demonstrated that care was delivered in line with current evidence-based good practice.

How staff, teams and services work together

Score: 3

Patients said that staff worked well with other services, for example communicating with their GP to discuss medication or arrange necessary tests.

The provider worked with GPs and other external services appropriately. Staff shared information about patients where appropriate via email and telephone. Staff also worked closely with a perimenopause specialist. This was good practice due to the impact hormonal changes can have on ADHD symptoms and the demographic of the patients the provider worked with.

Our observations did not raise any concerns about how staff worked with other teams.

Staff used a secure email system to send information to other services. Review updates were sent to GPs and recorded in care records.

Supporting people to live healthier lives

Score: 3

Patients said their treatment was holistic and included daily strategies, as well as medication, to help them live healthy lives and manage their symptoms.

The provider gave examples of how they provided patients with advice and information on healthy living. This included leaflets and discussing the benefits of exercise. Staff sent letters to GPs giving feedback around dietary needs.

Care records showed that patients regularly completed physical health checks and discussed these with staff at each appointment. Lifestyle choices and advice was part of each care plan.

Monitoring and improving outcomes

Score: 3

Patients said they consistently experience positive outcomes and the provider supported them to make changes to make improvements.

Staff monitored patient’s individual improvements using a range of questionnaires and the Functional Impairment Scale (a standardised tool), which measures the impact of a patient's symptoms on their day to day life. These ratings were reviewed during each patient’s monthly review on an individual basis.

There were effective approaches to monitor patient’s care and treatment. Patients completed questionnaires using an online portal which they said was easy to use. Care records showed that these were reviewed every session and changes were made to treatment if necessary.

Patients repeatedly spoke about being able to make choices about their care and treatment. They described how the provider explained what options were available and provided information in a way they could understand so they could make informed decisions.

The provider understood the importance of ensuring that patients fully understand what they were consenting to and the importance of obtaining consent before they delivered care or treatment.

The assessment team observed the provider discussing consent during each of the sessions they observed.

Care records demonstrated that capacity to consent to treatment was reviewed regularly and recorded appropriately.