21 October 2011
During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made
As a result of our findings on the site visit we met with the provider on 1st November 2011 to discuss our concerns about the service, and check the actions proposed by the provider to address the shortfalls . Although we acknowledge that improvements have taken place there are a number of areas where there are minor concerns. We were informed that the service plans to close as a care home in December 2011, that is when it is planned that all the people living at the home are relocated to suitable placements.
The provider acknowledged our findings and agreed to work to the action/improvement plan developed with the local authority in the interim period until the service is deregistered. It was agreed that this improvement plan including the ongoing progress would be shared with the Care Quality Commission. The provider agreed in writing that no further referrals would be accepted at the service .
We heard from the provider that the remaining 13 people using the service are being reassessed by mental health professionals for new placements.