17, 18 October 2011
During a themed inspection looking at Learning Disability Services
Patients told us that they are happy with the care, treatment and support they are receiving. One patient told us that they were happy living at Old Leigh House; and said that the staff treated him 'OK'.
Patients told us that they have a choice over activities and that they can go out as much as they want. They said, 'We go out places, for example, to the cinema, a Chinese buffet and to charity shops to buy films'. One patient provided us with examples of how they spent their free time, activities included, football, pool and playing on their X-Box. Another patient told us, that they are able to meet with their girlfriend every week.
We asked patients if they felt safe and secure living at the service, replies included, 'Staff treat me like a normal person, I feel safe here and I have not experienced any abuse'. They also said they, I have never been hurt here by staff' and 'I have never seen anyone else being hurt'.
Patients told us that they would tell staff about any concerns they had and that they felt that the staff would listen and act on what they had said. One patient said they used to harm themselves but doesn't any more, commenting, 'With the help of staff, 'I am getting there, as they help me calm down', and 'it feels good that I don't 'lose it' any more'.
We spoke with two parents who told us that they are confident that their relative is safe at the service and that they have never seen any signs of abuse and commented, 'The staff are good at calming patients down'.
They also told us that the staff are good at keeping in contact with families and that their views about their relative's treatment and support are taken on board. They described the manager as 'fantastic' and that they have total confidence in the staff. Both parents felt that their relative receives good health care at Old Leigh House, one parent commented, my relative is 'a changed person' since they moved to the service.