We spoke with people living at all three of the provider's locations. The following reflects the views of all people using the provider's service. Where comments related to a specific service location this is stated.People told us about the care they receive. We found that this reflected their needs and choices as recorded in their care plans, and books that were titled 'all about me'. One person informed us that the 'all about me' book was owned by them. We saw it contained lots of photographs of them and their life. Some people told us they were not bothered about their care plans but said staff had spoken to them about it. Other people told us that they had seen their care plans. Most people we spoke with told us about choices they had made and how staff had involved them in making decisions.
We spoke with a health professional at the Hilton House and they told us that staff had asked for help in ensuring a person understood the care options available to them due to refusal of a specific treatment. The home has since worked with other health professionals. This has given the individual a chance to have a better understanding about what would be involved in respect of the treatment, so they can make a better informed choice.
People told us that they are supported to live their life as they choose and participate in activities that they enjoy. People told us that they are given an opportunity to pursue their individual interests and they informed us that they 'Decide what [sic] going to do every day' 'come and go like manager does if feel like it' and 'Like staying here, playing on games'. Some people told us about the day centres and other places in the community they go to such as the local pub, theatre, cinema and shops. People said to us that staff are flexible and take them out by ring and ride or taxi. Some people used ring and ride to go out independently (subject to risk assessments that we saw) and others are supported by staff as needed. People told us they have access to a telephone and are able to keep in touch with family and friends.
People told us that they liked the staff as they were approachable and listened to them. Interaction that we saw between staff and people living at the home was relaxed and positive. People told us that they are encouraged to be independent with staff only offering assistance when needed with tasks they could not complete. We saw that people are able to move around the houses as they wish and are able to go to their rooms for privacy whenever they want.
Risks to people are recorded and steps taken to reduce any potential dangers. The only notable exception was the lack of recording to how staff would deal with one individual's epilepsy in the event of a seizure. This related to a person living at Hilton House. The individual in question had not had a seizure recently though, but staff would need to be aware of what was expected in the event they did. We saw in Walton and Welbeck House that people's plans included such guidance for people who have epilepsy.
People we spoke to told us that they had contact with health services as and when needed. One person told us 'If need to see anyone staff sort' in respect of health services. People told us about seeing opticians, dentists and their GP. Some people were out attending GP appointments on the day we visited Hilton House.
People told us that staff listen to what they say and deal with issues that may arise. One person told us they 'Talk to staff, if not happy, do something about it' and another said 'Can complain and staff listen to me'. Other people told us that they are 'Safe in here'. Some people told us that they meet with managers from the day centres they use and know they could raise concerns with them as well as their families. No one we spoke to had any worries about where they lived or the staff that supported them.
We spoke to staff about what they thought abuse was, and they showed us they had a good awareness of what should be reported. This meant that abuse would be investigated and people would be protected. Staff confirmed that the provider has a no restraint policy and this reflected what people told us.
People we spoke to told us that they get their medication on time. They told us they consent to the staff managing their medication. One person at Welbeck house said that their GP had reviewed their medication recently. They also told us that their medication is stored safely, and that when staff give them their tablets they can take these themselves.
All the houses we visited are adapted semi- detached buildings that blend in with the surrounding housing. There is nothing to indicate that they are anything other than a family home. We also saw that there is sufficient communal space in all the houses to allow people privacy when needed. We saw that people have access to keys to their bedroom doors, although most told us they are not to bothered about having these.
People from all three houses told us about how they are involved in the running of the home and their choices are listened to. They told us how redecoration of their rooms was chosen by them. They also told us about how changes within the service are discussed with them. People have meetings to discuss developments at their respective homes; minutes of these were seen and signed by people living at the homes. We also heard that people can speak to the managers or staff on a one to one basis should they wish.
They told us 'Its alright I love it here', 'Happy here' and 'Love it here, would be no where else'.
People told us that they like and have confidence in the staff team at their respective homes. One person told us 'they are pleasant helping out and all that'.
Staff told us that they have sufficient training to do their job and usually have refresher training every year.