21 March 2019
During a routine inspection
The service was effectively planned and well managed with clear leadership and overview of the service. The registered manager was knowledgeable and highly organised. The support provided to people was seamless because there was a suitably qualified and experienced senior team who could deputise in the registered manager absence and all had clearly defined and well understood roles. Communication was robust which helped ensure the needs of people using the service were known and any risks or changes in people’s needs were quickly identified and addressed.
The service had very robust systems in place to monitor compliance and help ensure the service was delivered in line with the organisational business plan and the local authority contract, taking into account any relevant legislation and best practice. The service scored highly in its audits but were not complacent. It embraced new ideas and technology whilst also investing heavily in their work force to be the best they could be. It acted on feedback and had a robust quality assurance system which put people at the heart of everything it did. It was open and transparent as demonstrated by its response to safeguarding concerns and complaints which were dealt with effectively.
Service delivery was in line with the service contract. Timings of calls were monitored by an electronic system which ensured the safety of staff and meant people had their calls as planned. Staff had regular rounds which helped ensure continuity and people told us they got to know their carers and were able to rely on them and trust them.
Care spoke spoken with demonstrated a caring, flexible attitude and real commitment to ensuring people came first. Staff said they were never rushed and took pride in their work. There were robust recruitment processes in place which helped ensure staff with the right values and skills were employed. Staff were supported through robust training, observations of practice, reflective supervisions and annual appraisal. These systems helped to support staff develop professionally. All new staff completed the care certificate a nationally recognised induction and staff were actively encouraged to take additional studies. Senior staff spoken with had been promoted internally through the organisation and were given the stepping stones to develop. This helped the service to attract and retain staff which benefited people using the service. Most staff we spoke with were experienced with many years’ service.
The service was safely provided because there were systems and processes in place to ensure people received the support they needed in a timely, consistent way and any risks have been identified and planned for. Staff had sufficient knowledge to help them carry out the regulated activity safely and in line with people’s wishes and consent. The service embraced equality and diversity and helped ensure that the service reflected the needs of people using the service. The service was regularly discussed with people to help ensure that they had no concerns or if they had ideas about how the service could be improved upon. This was acted upon and the service was forward thinking and maintained high standards in everything they did whilst continuously trying to improve. The service had maintained it good rating and was held in high regard.
Rating at last inspection: Good, (Report published 18 August 2016)
Why we inspected: This was a planned inspection to check that this service remained Good.
Follow up: We will continue to monitor intelligence we receive about the service until we return to visit as per our inspection programme. If any concerning information is received, we may inspect sooner.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk