26 April 2013
During a routine inspection
"Service is excellent"
"Care is perfect"
“They know exactly what they are doing”
People and relatives we spoke with told us the service had involved them fully in deciding what care and support was needed and a supervisor had visited them at home to discuss their needs and preferences.
We looked at three care records. Care records showed people’s individual needs and preferences had been taken into account and that people had been given a choice in how they wished to be cared for. Care records had been regularly reviewed and updated when a person’s needs had changed.
We spoke to three staff. Staff were knowledgeable about a person’s care and gave examples of how they treated people with respect, gave them choices and promoted their independence. Staff we spoke with had an understanding of safeguarding, types of abuse and how to deal with concerns. Staff training in safeguarding was up to date.
All necessary employment checks to safeguard people against abuse had been undertaken in the recruitment of staff. These checks ensured people using the service were safeguarded from receiving care from people unsuitable to work with vulnerable adults.
The provider had an easy to ready complaints policy in place and effective complaint handling and systems to log, track and respond to complaints.