8 February 2012
During an inspection looking at part of the service
At the time of our visit there were four people living in the home. We spoke to three people living at the home and one relative during our visit.
The home provides care and support for people who have a learning disability. People were able to tell us that they liked living in the home. The told us, " its the best place I have lived" and "I like the staff". Other people gave us a thumbs up sign when we asked if they were happy living at the home.
Staff encourage people living at the home to be as independent as possible. We saw that people assist staff clean their rooms and do their laundry and help with the shopping.
We saw that people spend the day as they chose. People told us that they got up and go to bed when they choose and were able to take part in various community activities. One person told us that went to the shops on their own and enjoying choosing what to buy.