A single inspector carried out this inspection. The focus of the inspection was to answer five key questions;' Is the service safe?
' Is the service effective?
' Is the service caring?
' Is the service responsive?
' Is the service well led?
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary describes what people using the service, their relatives and the staff told us, what we observed and the records we looked at.
If you want to see the evidence that supports our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
People who lived in the home told us they felt safe and were well treated by staff. When asked if they had ever been treated badly or witnessed anyone else being treated badly, one person said "No nothing further from the truth, all the staff are lovely." They added "There isn't one problem at all. If there was I can approach the manager or any of the care staff." We observed the Registered Manager and staff talked to people in a patient, friendly and supportive manner throughout our inspection.
Another person told us "I feel so safe here, it's so lovely and it makes me happy to have this as my home." They added "My family don't worry so much now I'm here. They say I look different now I'm happy and content."
We saw that care plans had been regularly updated and were reviewed monthly. This included risk assessments relating to the risk of falls, pressure sores, nutrition, weight and moving and handling. This meant that people could be sure that their records were up to date and care had been planned and reviewed to ensure their safety.
There were arrangements in place to deal with foreseeable emergencies. We saw that there was a detailed plan in place for dealing with emergencies that could affect the entire house, for example a fire. The provider had an emergency plan in place which included contact numbers for the emergency services and other staff. All staff we spoke with demonstrated a good understanding of the policy and pathway. This meant that the disruptions to people's care and welfare would be minimised.
The Care Quality Commission is required by law to monitor the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards which applies to care homes. The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards is in place to protect people's human rights. The manager said they had not needed to submit a Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards application to-date. However, the manager was aware when an application should be made and knew where to go if an application was required.
The provider identified, assessed and managed risks to the health, safety and welfare of people. In addition to the individual risk assessments in people's care plans, the provider had a range of health and safety policies and procedures in place.
Is the service effective?
Relatives told us that they had visited the service before their family member had come to stay. They were shown around and were able to ask questions and given information about care choices that were available.
They told us "Our family member now looks happy and content here, not as distressed as when in their own home." They added "You can tell they are happy here and we are relaxed now they have the constant care needed should a situation arise."
We saw people walked around the home with no restrictions and their right to privacy and time alone was upheld. Several people told us staff listened to them and treated them respectfully. Staff called people by their preferred names, as recorded in care plans. Staff were heard to explain to people about what they were doing when providing care. For example, while helping a person to sit down, the staff member explained why they needed to sit down, how they were going to do it and asked if it was alright for them to do it.
One person said "The staff are wonderful nothing is too much trouble, they help me just do whatever makes me happy." They added "I've got to know everyone here, I feel I belong it's just like a family."
We reviewed four care plans all of which identified what people were able to do for themselves and showed an individual programme of their needs. Records showed that people or their representatives had been involved in developing the care plans. This showed that people were enabled and supported to make decisions relating to their own personalised care. Staff we spoke with were aware of what people liked or disliked.
Is the service caring?
We spoke with four people who used the service. One person told us the staff "Look after us all well, they listen and I am happy here". People who used the service told us they received care and support that met their needs. When asked if they could think of anything that could be improved, no one was able to identify any areas for improvement.
The Registered Manager said people's relatives and other professionals were consulted, where appropriate, when important decisions needed to be made about their care and treatment. We saw evidence in people's care plans of appointees to act in people's best interests.
People who lived at the home were very complimentary about the management and staff. One person said "I can't speak too highly about the manager and staff. They are all very caring." Another person said "The staff are excellent. They are lovely people and very good at caring for us."
The Registered Manager told us that most of the staff had worked at the home for a number of years. This meant people were supported by a small experienced team providing a consistent level of care.
Is the service responsive?
In our discussions with a relative, they told us that staff were approachable and there was good communication links between themselves and the home. The relative was not able to identify any areas for improvement in respect of how care was provided to their family member. But was confident any suggestions they raised would always be considered and acted on if appropriate.
We saw evidence that the individual care and support provided to people was subject to formal review. People who lived in the home and their representatives were asked for their views about care and treatment and these views were acted on.
One person who lived in the home said "You only need to have a word with the manager and they always fit in with your request." Another person said "It's a very nice, clean and comfortable home. I have no problems at all. But if something did go wrong I can always talk to the manager or the other staff."
Is the service well led?
People who lived at the home were very complimentary about the management and staff. One person said "I can't speak too highly about the manager and staff. They are all very caring."
One member of staff told us "The manager is very approachable and supportive. We have a really nice team and we all get on very well together. With handovers and daily communications we are fully aware of everything within the home." They added "The continuity of staff has helped build up good working relationships and trust."
People told us they could talk to the Registered Manager or the other staff about any issues and they always did their best to meet their needs. People said "I would give the home 10 out of 10, the manager is absolutely first class." They added "The owners are extremely nice and caring, they are here often."