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  • Care home

Abbey House Nursing Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

2 Abbey Hill, Netley Abbey, Southampton, Hampshire, SO31 5FB (023) 8045 4044

Provided and run by:
Millennium Care Homes Limited

Report from 5 December 2024 assessment


  • Overall


  • Safe


  • Effective


  • Caring


  • Responsive


  • Well-led


Our view of the service

Date of Assessment: 16 December to 31 December 2024. The service is a nursing home providing support to older people and people with a physical disability. This was a responsive inspection of the key question of safe triggered by our ongoing monitoring of the service. There had been a change of registered manager since the last inspection, and they had made improvements required following the last report. People’s risk assessments were person-centred and reflected their preferences. Staff ensured there was a joined-up approach during people’s care journey and there were processes in place to identify any risks to people’s safety. Staff ensured the environment was safe, clean and hygienic for people. People were cared for by sufficient numbers of trained and competent staff. People’s medicines were managed safely. We identified 2 breaches of legal regulations in relation to safeguarding and failure to notify CQC of all safeguarding incidents. The registered manager had ensured people’s safety, following concerns of abuse but had not then always raised a safeguarding alert with the local authority, for them to determine if any further actions were needed. They had also not always submitted safeguarding notifications to CQC when they reported allegations of abuse to the local authority. However, the registered manager was very responsive and took immediate action and amended the forms and processes used to identify these issues. We have asked the provider for an action plan in response to the concerns found at this assessment.

People's experience of this service

People and relatives provided positive feedback both about the staff and their experience of the care provided. A relative said, “We came to look around Abbey House and liked the atmosphere and met some of the staff. Communication was good between the hospital staff and here.” Another commented, “There is not one member of staff that we don’t like, they are all good all of them.” No concerns were reported but people felt they could raise issues if required. People told us they felt safe in the care of staff. A relative said, “The staff here couldn’t do enough for her and us as a family. They’ve got patience and we think she’s had outstanding care.” Another relative told us about how their loved one now required a pureed diet for their safety and showed us a photo of their pureed roast meal which was arranged artistically on the plate and resembled a Christmas wreath. People felt they had choices about their care and how it was provided. People felt there were sufficient staff, who they felt were well trained. People said they received their medicines including those taken as required or for pain relief as needed.