3 January 2013
During a routine inspection
We spoke with relatives, who were representatives of people who used the service. They told us that they were satisfied with the service provided. Their comments included, 'The staff are brilliant with [my relative]', 'They [the staff] look after [my relative] properly' and '[My relative] does seem to enjoy their stay.'
Representatives told us they were consulted about the care needs of their relative and were 'involved in decisions' about their relative's healthcare needs. We heard that medical and health care support was obtained appropriately and established routines and health care plans followed.
Representatives said they felt able to raise concerns if they needed too and they confirmed they completed feedback questionnaires about the quality of the service provided.
Staff told us how they involved people as far as they were able in agreeing to the support they needed. They told us that the information recorded about each person's individual needs, preferences and routines assisted them in making sure that people got the right care.