- Independent mental health service
Barnet Lane Clinic
Report from 16 January 2024 assessment
We found a breach of the legal regulation 17, Good Governance. Managers did not always have effective quality assurance systems or oversight of issues within the service. Managers had not ensured patients requiring rehabilitation at the service had educational and vocational opportunities available to them to support their recovery. Managers did not have sufficient oversight of systems and processes in relation to medicines storage and recording. Managers had not ensured the gender mix of staff consistently enabled female patients to have their immediate needs met. Carers and patient feedback demonstrated further learning and improvements were required to continue to embed good practice at the service. However, staff and leaders demonstrated a positive, compassionate culture focused on learning and improvement. They had a clear understanding of equality, diversity and human rights and felt that they received equal opportunities for development. Leaders fostered a positive culture where people felt that they could speak up and that their voice would be heard. Managers acted on information about risk, performance, and outcomes, and shared this with the staff team to bring about improvements.