An expert by experience accompanied us on this visit. They made observations, spoke with the people who used the service and to relatives. The expert by experience found that the staff appeared attentive towards the people who used the service. They observed that people were given choices. They made positive comments about the meal time experience. The expert by experience identified some issues around the home environment where improvements could be made which have been included in this report.
The expert by experience spoke with nine people who used the service and four visitors. The people who used the service were all happy with their home. Some comments made were:
'I cannot remember if I chose this home myself, but I like it here.
'My bedroom is beautiful, staff are very good, food is good and I love it here. And I have my own key.'
'I couldn't live in a safer place. The staff are very good and the food is good. They also look after my clothes well.'
'I like my room. I am looked after well and the food is good. If I need to complain about anything, I will talk to staff.'
The visitors spoken with were happy with the home. Some comments made were:
'Our friend is being looked after well. They always looks smart and they say the food is good'.
'I have full confidence in the staff and they provide good care and respect for my relative."
We spoke to health professionals who visited the service. They told us that staff treated the people who used the service with respect and that they promoted their dignity.
St Helens Council provided us with their last monitoring report of the service following a visit in October 2010. They found that case files and care plans were up to date, were easy to read and showed peoples individual needs. The people who used the service had access to health professionals when they were needed. Some people who used the service and relatives were spoken with and said the staff and the manager were friendly and caring, the meals were lovely and they enjoyed the activities provided. St Helens Council identified that some improvements were needed to training. The manager provided the council with an action plan showing how these training shortfalls were to be addressed.
Since the last visit to the service St Helens Council has received no complaints about the home. There has been one safeguarding issue that was unresolved at the time of our visit.
St Helens Local Involvement Network (LINk) had no information concerning this service.
*LINKs are networks of individuals and organisations that have an interest in improving health and social care services. They are independent of the council, NHS and other service providers. LINks aim to involve local people in the planning and delivery of services.