Eden House I is a small family run care home without nursing that offers a service for up to eight older people. On the day of our visit there were eight people using the service. We spoke with four people who used the service. We met with the registered manager a senior carer and a care worker. We considered our inspection findings to answer the questions we always ask;
Is the service safe?
Is the service effective?
Is the service caring?
Is the service responsive?
Is the service well led?
This is the summary of what we found.
Is the service safe?
People were cared for safely. We asked people if they felt safe they told us they did. Care and treatment was delivered in a way that was intended to ensure people's safety and welfare. One of the care plans we looked at showed that the person was unable to manage their own money. We saw that the local authority money management team were involved with the person's finances and that the care plan documented the details of how the care and support in regard to the person's finances was managed.
People who used the service were protected from the risk of abuse because the provider had taken reasonable steps to identify the possibility of abuse and prevent it from happening. We saw a copy of the safeguarding policy this detailed the various types of abuse, the means of preventing abuse and the signs to look for.
Is the service caring?
People were treated with dignity and respect. One person told us the care workers were pleasant and respectful. Care workers knocked on people's doors before entering their rooms. We saw care workers interacting with people in a manner that was respectful and upheld the person's dignity. For example; at lunch time we saw a care worker sitting with a resident who had dementia, encouraging and supporting them to drink. The care worker took time to support the person to eat and drink, they made eye contact and talked to the person and gave them reassurance.
Is the service responsive?
We saw that the provider had carried out a 'Shared Memories' questionnaire with the residents in November 2013. We saw the results of this; the manager told us that they had used the results to vary the menu offered to residents and to ensure that the favourite choice for each resident was incorporated into the menu offered. The provider made comment, complaint and suggestions cards available to people who used the service, their relatives and professionals who visited the service and we saw them displayed in the reception areas of the home. The manager told us they collected feedback during reviews and by listening to people who used the service to inform service development.
Is the service effective?
People's needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual care plans. We looked at the care records of three people who used the service. One person's communication care plan showed that the person could not always understand care workers good intentions. The person could become angry and display this verbally and physically. The care plan described that care workers should allow time for the person to understand and monitor any change in mood. We spoke with a care worker about the care they provided to this person. They said they 'talk to [the person] about what they are doing, take time, take it slowly'.
Is the service well led?
We saw evidence in care plans that the provider took account of professional advice received in regard to running of the service safely; for example GP's, mental health professionals, and district nurses. The provider told us about the care home support service that regularly came in to support the home in meeting the needs of people and we saw evidence of this in care records.
We spoke with the manager about the systems in place to identify, assess and manage risks to the health, safety and welfare of people who use the service and others. They told us about the system in place for monitoring care plans and medication records. The registered manager told us they then carried out audits of these on a regular basis. Any issues that arose from these audits would be shared immediately with staff. However, we saw no evidence of how these audits were conducted, when or how often. We noted this in the inspection report to the provider