Updated 7 November 2024
Healthcare 3K Ltd is a private health care company who trade as Regent Street Clinic and are registered to deliver the regulated activity of treatment of disease or injury. There are no previous inspection reports or ratings for this provider. Healthcare 3K Ltd has eleven Regent Street Clinic satellite locations around the United Kingdom, including, Nottingham, Sheffield, Leicester, Derby, Liverpool, Norwich, Leeds, Lincoln, Newcastle, Birmingham and Bristol. Private health care services provided include, travel vaccinations, GP consultations, sexual health, health screening, hayfever treatment, aesthetics, medicals, occupational health and counselling services. We carried out onsite assessments on 4, 9 and 11 December 2024 at two Regent Street Clinic locations, Nottingham and Bristol. The inspection team included a nurse and pharmacist specialist. The reason for the assessment was due to risk following concerns we received regarding vaccines being administered without appropriate authorisation and outside of their shelf-life; patients not receiving adequate doses of rabies vaccines and a lack of staff training. The assessment was carried out following our new approach to assessment; Single Assessment Framework (SAF). The assessment included off-site activity which included interviews with staff and feedback from patients. Our assessment focused on one quality statement, Medicines Optimisation, under the key question of safe. We only assessed one quality statement which means we have not rated the service on this occasion. We will carry out future assessments to cover other parts of the assessment framework at a later date and update our website with our findings. We identified breaches in the Health and Social Care Act 2008, Regulation 12, Safe Care and Treatment and Regulation 17, Good Governance. We issued the provider with a warning notice to make improvements.