• Community
  • Community substance misuse service

New Vision Bradford

Unity Building, 30 Manningham Lane, Bradford, BD1 3DN (01274) 296023

Provided and run by:

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

Inspection summaries and ratings from previous provider

On this page

Background to this inspection

Updated 8 July 2022

New Directions Bradford has been registered with the Care Quality Commission since 2018 to carry out the regulated activity; Treatment of disorder, disease or injury. The service had a registered manager in place.

New Directions Bradford is part of Change, Grow, Live (CGL), and provides specialist information, advice, treatment and support for substance and alcohol misuse in Bradford and Keighley, West Yorkshire.

The service was last inspected in November 2018. It was rated requires improvement overall and in the key questions Safe and Effective. We identified breaches of regulations 9, 12 and 18 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 and issued requirement notices. During this inspection we found these requirement notices had been met.

Overall inspection


Updated 8 July 2022

Our rating of this location improved. We rated it as outstanding because:

  • The service operated a holistic approach to delivering care and treatment. Staff worked with local tissue viability nurses to establish a referral process and develop new consent to share forms. Staff will be able to photograph wounds and send them to the nurses for advice instead of waiting for them to visit the service.
  • Staff were proactively supported and encouraged to acquire new skills, use their transferable skills, and share best practice. Staff had utilised their training and knowledge to administer Naloxone to clients and members of the public who had been found unresponsive. One of the staff involved received a police bravery award for their actions in saving a person’s life.
  • Managers proactively recruited, trained and supported volunteers to work with clients in the service. A client who had come through the integrated offender management system successfully completed the service’s volunteer programme. Clients had fed back to the service how helpful it had been to speak with someone who had lived similar experiences as them.
  • Staff had excellent working relationships with external partners and agencies. Staff worked collaboratively and had found effective ways to deliver joined-up care and treatment. included a ‘one stop shop’ with partner agencies at a church, which provided a safe and inclusive space for clients and the homeless community to speak with multiple agencies.
  • The service had acted quickly in response to trends identified during the COVID-19 pandemic. This included distributing kits and providing training on administering Naloxone in hostels across Bradford, and significantly increasing the number of mobile phones given to clients.
  • Former clients had become staff members and were actively involved in making decisions about the service. People who used the service were active partners in their care and staff empowered them to have a voice.
  • Feedback from clients, family members and carers was overwhelmingly positive. There was a strong, visible, person-centred culture at the service. Staff knew the clients well and all observed interactions were kind and respectful.
  • The service provided safe care. The premises were clean and staff followed infection control guidelines. The service had enough staff. Staff received regular supervisions, an annual appraisal and a comprehensive induction to the service. They received specialist training for their role, which was effectively utilised.
  • Systems were in place to prioritise clients according to risk. Clients had detailed risk management plans and risk assessments in place, which were regularly reviewed and up to date. Staff knew how to recognise adults and children at risk of or suffering harm.
  • Managers and senior staff had a very good understanding of the service they managed. They were visible in the service and approachable for clients and staff.
  • Staff felt supported in their role and proud to work for the service. There were opportunities for progression within the service and wider organisation. Staff felt comfortable raising concerns and were confident their concerns would be taken seriously.
  • Effective systems and processes were in place to monitor the quality of the service. Managers and senior staff reviewed performance data to identify any themes and trends.


  • Not all consultation rooms were adequately sound proofed.