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Goldcrest Heathcare Service (Birmingham)

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

15F, Whitmore Road, Birmingham, B10 0NR 07482 261216

Provided and run by:
Goldcrest Healthcare Service Limited

All Inspections

During an assessment under our new approach

Date of assessment: 26 September to 12 November 2024. This assessment was carried out in response to receiving information of concern about the service. During the assessment we spoke with 4 people and 10 relatives. We spoke with the nominated individual, area manager, registered manager, 2 care managers leaders and 5 support staff. This is the first assessment of the service since it was registered on 28 March 2023. A person-centred approach was taken to the management of risks. People were supported to have an active role in maintaining their own health and wellbeing. People were supported and received care from staff who knew them well, understood their needs and preferences. People’s care records reflected their needs and promoted their wellbeing. People and those important to them, were involved in planning their care. People were fully supported to live a life of their choice and to increase their independence where possible. The provider had worked closely with the local authority to improve the service. A new management structure had improved the culture within the service. The management team were committed to making improvements across the service. There were governance systems in place which assessed and managed the safety and quality of the service. However, some improvements were required to quality assurance audits to ensure they were as effective as possible. Furthermore, improvements were still needed to ensure all notifications were made when required.