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CCS Home Care Services (Hillingdon)

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 1UW (01628) 902478

Provided and run by:
CCS Homecare Services Ltd

Report from 20 May 2024 assessment

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Updated 2 December 2024

People felt they were supported by kind, caring and respectful care workers. Staff felt they were supported by senior staff. People were supported to make choices about their care.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Kindness, compassion and dignity

Score: 3

People using the service and relatives said the staff were kind, caring and respected their privacy and dignity. Their comments included, “They are very kind and like family. They provide personal care very respectfully, observing my privacy and dignity“, “The ones that I have met are fairly kind and diligent” and “Carers are brilliant I have no complaints at all. They are spot on.”

Care workers completed mandatory training on privacy and dignity. Care workers showed they understood the importance of ensuring people’s privacy and dignity was respected. A care worker said, “Always ask before you carry out any duty, show respect and when carrying out personal care keep the service user as covered as possible to maintain their dignity”.

We were unable to gather any direct feedback from partners, but we noted that the local authority carried out regular checks to ensure people received appropriate care.

Treating people as individuals

Score: 3

People receiving support and relatives told us the care workers provided care which met their identified needs.

Care workers confirmed they checked the person’s care plan regularly to ensure the support they were providing would meet the person’s specific needs.

People’s care plans identified the person’s cultural, social, religious, and personal needs. Care plans indicated the person’s preferred language as well as any other languages spoken. It also identified the person’s religion and their cultural background.

Independence, choice and control

Score: 3

People who received care and relatives told us that care workers supported them to be as independent as possible. A relative commented, “[My family member] cannot now be independent although they will visit the shop over the road with the carer.”

Staff confirmed they helped people to maintain their independence with 1 care worker commenting, “I always get my service user to push themselves a little, if they are walking with a frame, get them to do a few steps more whilst making sure they are safe.”

People’s care plans identified family and friends who were important to the person. The provider indicated what moving and handling and other equipment had been provided and information on the maintenance of the equipment. Care plans stated how the person could be supported to remain as independent as possible.

Responding to people’s immediate needs

Score: 3

People who were supported and relatives confirmed care workers met people’s identified support needs. They felt care workers were responsive if their needs changed.

Care workers explained if they identified a person’s care needs had changed, they would inform the office. A care worker stated, “Everything related to the care they require is in the support plan. If client has any changes in care need, I report that to the office, and they schedule a re-assessment.

Workforce wellbeing and enablement

Score: 3

Care workers provided positive feedback in relation to their experience of working for the provider in the recent staff survey completed in 2024. Care workers told us they felt supported in their role by the senior staff and by their colleagues.

The provider had a range of ways for care workers to do discuss any concerns or issues they may have. There were quarterly group supervisions, one to one meetings and annual appraisals. There was an annual staff survey to obtain feedback including working relationships with colleagues, support from management working as part of a team.