We spoke to four people who were using the service and they told us that they had signed written consent forms. We looked at four people's records and noted that they had consent forms which were signed by the person who was using the service and their consultant. One person who used the service told us "I felt fully involved at every stage of my treatment."Staff we spoke with told us that they would administer medicines to people where they were prescribed by the consultant as part of the individual regime agreed for the person using the service. Staff told us that they had received training in the administration of medication and staff training records confirmed this.
Appropriate checks had been undertaken before staff began work. Staff who we spoke with were able to confirm each step they had gone through as part of the recruitment process.
The service used a range of methods to monitor the quality of its services, including collecting the views of people who used it. People expressed positive comments to us on the service, such as 'the staff are responsive and I feel listened to."
People who spoke with us told us they felt confident that if they had a complaint or issue, that this would be listened to and responded to quickly. There was a complaints policy in place and staff we spoke to were aware of it and knew what action to take and who to contact if they received a complaint.