Updated 5 December 2024
We carried out this assessment on 9 December 2024. This was to follow up on the shortfalls we found at our last visit. We looked at all the quality statements within all five key questions.Woodside Residential Care Home is a service which provides personal care and accommodation for up to 40 people who, in the main, are living with dementia. At our last visit we identified 6 breaches of regulation. These were in risks to people, infection control, lesson learnt, safeguarding, recruitment processes and good governance. Improvements were found on this visit and the provider had met 5 of the breaches. We found a continued breach of regulation in good governance as further work was required to ensure improvements were embedded into daily practice, senior staff all took individual responsibility to check people were receiving appropriate and safe care and audits were robust and identified any shortfalls. Where we identified some shortfalls in recruitment processes, risks to people and cleanliness of the premises, these were addressed immediately by the registered manager, and we were assured by their response to these. Staff were aware of their responsibility to keep people safe and report any concerns to the relevant authorities. Staff following good medicines practices and also worked with external health care professionals to help support people to remain healthy. Staff knew people well and provided care that was person-centred and individualised, ensuring that people’s consent was obtained before providing care. The registered manager had sufficient staff on duty, but like us had identified times during the day where an additional shift or reorganisation of deployment of staff would benefit people. As a result, they were reviewing the staffing rota. Staff enjoyed working at the service and told us the registered manager had an open door and they felt supported, receiving sufficient training and were comfortable speaking up.