11 September 2013
During a routine inspection
People told us that they were happy with the service they received and it made a big difference to their lives. They told us that care staff treated them with respect and dignity whilst their independence was promoted. One person who used the agency told us: 'Very fortunate with the carers we have got, they really care.' One family member told us: 'They (care staff) have been very good' and 'Changed my life.'
We found that people and their family members had been involved in how their care was planned. They told us that they had been consulted about their preferences. One person said, "If I want something done in a certain way, they (care staff) do it.'
We were told that care staff took their time and did not rush people. One person who used the agency described the service they received as: "Very good quality." Another person said: 'They (care staff) understand my needs' and 'I have put on a bit of weight as they (care staff) make sure I am being fed properly and I feel much better for it.'
Systems were in place to protect vulnerable people. Staff had been trained in how to recognise adult abuse and records confirmed this. Staff we spoke with understood what adult abuse was and knew what the procedures were to report this. One person who used the agency told us: 'They (care staff) are very friendly and polite and make me feel comfortable.'
We saw that systems were in place that captured the views of the people who used the agency. These were used as part of the systems that regularly assessed and monitored the quality of service that people received.