During our visit we saw that people were being treated with dignity and spoken to in a respectful way. People were being enabled to do what they wanted for themselves. We saw that people expressed their wishes and participated in making decisions relating to their individual lifestyle.We spoke with a person who received support from the staff team. They told us they were happy with the support they received and said the staff were helping them work towards independence,' I hope I can soon move to my own flat, staff are supporting me to learn all the skills I need to be independent '.
We saw that people's privacy and independence were respected, people experienced safe and effective care based on detailed care plans and risk assessments that met individual needs.
People using the service were protected from abuse as they were supported by a staff team who had appropriate knowledge and training on safeguarding adults. We saw policies on whistle blowing and safeguarding. People's rights were respected.
We saw evidence that staff received ongoing training and supervision which provided them with the skills and knowledge to meet the needs of the people they were supporting.
The Provider had effective systems in place to monitor quality assurance and compliance.