Updated 17 September 2024
Orchard View is a care home providing accommodation, personal and nursing care for up to 26 people. This includes older and younger people with mental health conditions, physical disabilities and/or sensory impairments. This is the first rated assessment for this newly registered service. The date of the assessment was 26 September 2024 and 4 October 2024. The assessment was undertaken in response to the length of time since the service was registered. At the time of the assessment there was not a CQC registered Manager in post; there was a home manager who was in the process of applying for registration. We found the home manager was being supported by senior leaders. We assessed the provider against all the quality statements in the safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led domains. Care records provided detailed guidance to ensure people received safe, person-centred care and support from all members of staff. Staff were sufficiently trained and worked well with other healthcare professionals to ensure people’s needs were met. Staff spoke positively about working at the service and we observed people were treated with dignity, respect and kindness. The service has been rated good following this assessment.