Updated 2 January 2025
Date of assessment : 18 November 2024 to 29 November 2024. Trinity Manor is a nursing home providing accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care. It is registered to provide care for up to 83 people, of which a number of beds are part of the 'Discharge to Assess' (D2A) scheme. The D2A scheme aims to ensure people are moved out of hospital (when medically stable) to receive a period of rehabilitation/re-ablement in a community setting prior to assessment of their long-term care needs. Some people on D2A may have complex health care needs and may not be able to return to their own home. At the time of our assessment there were 47 people living in the home. During the assessment we spoke with people who lived at the service, their relatives, staff, the registered manager, the provider’s operational and quality managers and representatives from other partner organisations. We looked at care plans, recruitment files and quality assurance records. Trinity Manor is newly registered, and this was the first ratings inspection of this service. We found staff worked in partnership with a multi-disciplinary team to enable people to live healthier lives, to manage long term medical conditions and ensure positive outcomes. Staff worked in a person-centred way and had a good understanding of risk management and keeping people safe. People received their medicines as prescribed and were monitored to ensure they were referred to other healthcare professionals in a timely way. Staff received training and support to carry out their roles and responsibilities. The manager had recently been promoted from deputy manager and demonstrated a commitment to working collaboratively with people, relatives, staff and external agencies to deliver high standards of care. The provider had introduced a new management structure in response to feedback and their own quality assurance checks to drive improvement and embed good practice in the home.