13 October 2016
During a routine inspection
The home provides accommodation for a maximum of 35 people requiring personal care. There were 31 people living at the home when we visited. A registered manager was in post when we inspected the service. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People felt safe living at the home and felt comfortable and at ease around staff. Staff understood what was required to keep people safe and had received training on the subject. The registered manager understood their obligation to record information of concern and ensured the local authority and CQC were made aware of these.
People’s risks to their health were monitored by staff who were aware of how best to support people which maintained their safety. People had access to help and support from staff when they needed it.
Staff working at the home had undergone the providers recruitment processes aimed at ensuring it was safe for them to work at the home. Background checks were completed so that the registered provider was assured of their suitability.
People received support to have the medicines. People’s medicines were regularly checked by the registered manager to ensure staff supported people appropriately.
People felt assured that staff were gave them the care and support they needed. Staff undertook regular training that was reviewed and supervisions with staff took place regularly.
The registered manager understood their legal obligation with respect to ensuring people’s ability to make decisions was recorded appropriately and any necessary action taken to protect them. Staff understood which decisions people were not able to make for themselves and how to appropriately support them in their best interests.
People made choices about the drinks and enjoyed the variety of meals that were prepared for them. People accessed additional medical help when this was appropriate and staff followed instructions left with them by the GP.
People liked the staff supporting them and felt staff included them in decisions about their care. People’s friends and families were encouraged to visit and to participate in discussions about how care could be improved at the home.
People had an opportunity to participate in activities that they enjoyed and staff supporting them understood which activities people liked.
People knew and liked the registered manager. They understood they could approach her and chat with her about things that were important to them. Staff were positive about working at the home and felt supported in their role. The registered manager monitored the care provided and how staff provided that care and support . The Service Quality Manager met with the registered manager regularly to support her and assure the registered provider of the quality of care being delivered at the home.