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  • Dentist

Archived: Mydentist - Borough Arcade - Hyde

1 Borough Arcade, Hyde, Cheshire, SK14 2AA (01204) 799799

Provided and run by:
Clarendon Dental Practice Limited

All Inspections

24 October 2012

During a routine inspection

We obtained feedback from several people who use the practice. All the people we consulted with expressed satisfaction with the service they received. People told us that they thought staff were 'kind and attentive' and that they felt they were treated with respect. They all confirmed they were given enough information about their treatment options and costs.

Comments included:

'They give clear information about my treatment and I feel involved. The staff are approachable and professional".

'I was informed in advance what was going to take place as regards my treatmen".

'It's a very good practice'.

People using the practice told us that they felt confident that staff were trained appropriately and that high standards of hygiene were maintained at the practice.

We saw documentary evidence to show that people were involved in their treatment and care. We found that effective infection prevention and control measures were in place to ensure that people received safe treatment and care. We found that there was a stable longstanding staff team in place who were enthusiastic about the work they did, and they were able to demonstrate that they had received training appropriate to the role they carry out. Good management systems were in place and systems were in place to monitor the services provided at the practice. There were policies and procedures in place to protect children and vulnerable adults.