- Dentist
Bromley Park Dental and Implant Centre
All Inspections
20 August 2014
During a routine inspection
We found that there were suitable procedures for planning and delivery of care and there was information available regarding the cost of both NHS and private dental treatment within the waiting areas. There was appropriate guidance for staff on cleanliness and infection control and these procedures were followed. There were effective systems in place to ensure that the quality of care was maintained and recorded appropriately. Patient and staff records were stored securely in a locked office. Complaints were logged and responded to promptly.
16 July 2012
During an inspection looking at part of the service
3 May 2012
During a routine inspection
People told us 'I travel out of my way to come here' and that they had been using the service for many years.
A person described the care they had received as 'fantastic'.