5 February 2014
During a routine inspection
We looked at the electronic records for five patients. Patients attending the practice had an initial consultation with the dentist and their medical history had been updated and reviewed by the dentist during each visit.
We spoke with five members of staff about their understanding of safeguarding procedures in relation to vulnerable adults and children. They all demonstrated a clear understanding of signs and behaviours associated with potential abuse, as well as their responsibilities in relation to acting upon suspicions or concerns.
We saw that the practice looked clean and tidy on the day of our visit. The description for the decontamination and sterilisation process was explained to us and was in line with the Department of Health requirements for decontamination in primary care dental practices.
Patients and their representatives were asked for their views about the care and treatment provided at the practice and these were used to improve the service. Patients' comments included "Excellent service", "Wouldn't go anywhere else" and "Great dentist".