Our current view of the service
16 January 2025
Date of assessment: 3 September to 27 September 2024. The service is a care home with nursing care providing support to adults of all ages living with dementia. We carried out this assessment because of safeguarding concerns and complaints we received. People were happy with the support they had from staff and had no concerns about their care. People told us the manager is visible and they get on well with them. Staff told us there was a positive learning culture at Wendreth Court and they were confident raising concerns to the management team. We observed safe numbers of staff present and they were knowledgeable and trained to provide support to the people who lived at the care home. Staff knew people well and care plans included a person's cultural and family background, what is important to them and their routines. People were provided with person centred care based on their preferences. We observed people being offered choices and staff promoted their independence. We found evidence that following an incident, accident or concern, appropriate actions were taken and we saw evidence that staff worked well with other services to keep people safe. The provider ensured the environment was safe and well maintained. There was accessible outdoor space and a choice of communal areas. Equipment was in place for those who needed it. People were supported to have good end of life care, and their individual choices were respected.
People's experience of the service
16 January 2025
People and their relatives mostly gave us positive feedback about the service. No one had concerns regarding their care. One person told us ‘The staff are good; we get checked on regularly and the bell gets answered quickly’. Another person stated, ‘I’ve settled in well, the staff are so caring’ and another said, ‘The staff are good, we need help with some personal care and that is done nicely’. Regarding support with medication 1 person told us ‘No problems with my tablets. I needed to see the GP once and that was arranged quickly’. In regard to support from the manager people told us ‘The manager is very nice’ and another stated ‘We do see the manager, she asks how we are’. Another person told us ‘The manager comes across well, it’s all very friendly’. When asked about the food provided people said that they enjoyed the food and 'There’s a good choice for breakfast and always something I like for lunch’.
Relatives told us 'I think the care here is exceptional and if I have an issue, it's always dealt with', another told us 'I always feel I could talk to someone immediately if I am concerned'.
Relatives told us how they had liaised with staff to improve quality of life for their family member. This included trying different food options for their family member who had a reduced appetite and different activities for a family member who was at risk of isolation.