The practice's dental team consisted of one dentist who was supported by one qualified dental nurse, two unqualified dental nurses and a practice manager. During our inspection we spoke with three people, two members of staff and the dentist. We looked at ten people's treatment records.
We found that people were involved in making decisions about the treatment they received. One person told us, 'He explains his role well'.
The treatment people received was reflected in their records. One person told us, 'He won't do unnecessary work'. We found that some medicines kept to treat people in a medical emergency, and related equipment, were out of date.
We found that the decontamination process for dental instruments was carried out according to guidance. We saw that the premises, including the treatment rooms, were clean and well maintained. Water testing had not been carried out in line with current guidance.
We found that appropriate staff checks had been carried out. People told us staff were pleasant. One person said, 'They're very helpful and efficient'.
The service had a number of audits to ensure quality of service. The practice sought people's opinion of their experiences of the practice.