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Alderwood L.L.A. Limited - Irchester 2

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

168 Station Road, Irchester, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN29 7EW (01604) 811838

Provided and run by:
Alderwood L.L.A. Limited

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service

Requires improvement

Updated 11 November 2024

Alderwood L.L.A Irchester 2 is a residential care home providing accommodation and personal care for up to 4 people. The service provides support to autistic people with learning disabilities. At the time of our assessment, there were 4 people using the service. The assessment commenced on 25 November 2024 and ended 19 December 2024. This assessment was prompted due to concerns about the provider. We looked at all five key questions and covered 25 Quality statements. During the assessment, we spoke with the registered manager, regional manager and 8 care staff. We received positive feedback from external healthcare professionals. We reviewed, in part 3 people’s care and medicines administration records. We have assessed the service against ‘Right support, right care, right culture’ guidance to make judgements about whether the provider guaranteed people with a learning disability and autistic people respect, equality, dignity, choices, independence and good access to local communities that most people take for granted. The service was not always able to demonstrate how they were meeting all the underpinning principles of right support, right care, right culture. We identified under the key questions Safe and Well-led the service was in breach of legal regulation in relation to safe care and treatment and governance. Risk management in relation to how people’s individual emotional needs were assessed, planned for and mitigated were not sufficiently robust. Improvements were required in the management of medicines. Incident management and learning was not robust. Staff had not received supervision at the frequency the provider expected. Staff training was ongoing. People received opportunities to develop their Independence, identify goals and achievements and were supported with community activities. People received care and support from a consistent staff team who had been safely recruited and were kind, caring and had a supportive approach.

People's experience of the service

Updated 11 November 2024

We received feedback from 2 relatives, and we spoke with 3 people who used the service who gave us some feedback about their experience of the care and support they received. Relatives told us they were happy with the service provided and raised no concerns. An example was given of a multi-disciplinary approach in 1 person’s care and how well this was working. Relatives confirmed they were involved in discussions and decisions about the care and support provided. Staff were described as kind and caring. People told us they were happy and felt safe living at Alderwood L.L.A Irchester 2 and raised no concerns about their care and support. People confirmed they were supported with their daily routines, activities of their choice and told us of the community activities they participated in. People were supported to maintain contact with family and friends. People had a keyworker (a named staff member with additional responsibilities) who they named and told us how they met monthly with their keyworker, to discuss and plan activities they would like to do and talked about their care and support needs. People and relatives spoke highly of the staff team and registered manager. They felt confident to raise any issues, concerns or complaints and were positive that they would be listened to acted upon.