• Care Home
  • Care home

Sycamore Court

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Fitzherbert Drive, Bear Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 4DU (01273) 697331

Provided and run by:
GCH (NEW OPCO 2) Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed - see old profile

All Inspections

During an assessment under our new approach

Sycamore Court is a residential care home providing nursing care and support for up to 40 people. People were living with a range of needs associated with the frailties of old age and some people were living with dementia or other mental health needs. This assessment took place from 17 December to the 20 December 2024. We carried out an on-site visit on 17 December 2024. At the time of this assessment there were 40 people living in the home. Due to a change in registration during the assessment process, we made the decision to undertake a remote assessment to enable the service to be rated. The assessment was planned in response to concerns raised about the safety of people and the management of the service and governance systems. We did not identify any significant issues during this assessment and the service has remained Good, with minor areas identified for continued improvement. People received safe care and staff managed risks safely, responsively and effectively. People and staff told us they would feel confident to raise any concerns and that these would be responded to by the management team. The provider had liaised with external health professionals to provide joined up care and treatment for people. This had promoted safe transitions for people moving between different services. Staff and management knew people well and received an induction, training and support that enabled them to manage people’s health and social care effectively and in a responsive way. Staff treated people with kindness and compassion, and there was a positive and friendly culture in the service. People were encouraged to remain as independent as possible and there was a dedicated activity team that worked alongside the care team to promote mental and physical well-being. Systems were in place that allowed people, relatives and staff to speak up and have their voices heard. There were ongoing improvement plans to make further improvements to the home.

During an assessment under our new approach

Sycamore Court is a residential care home providing nursing care and support for up to 40 people. People were living with a range of needs associated with the frailties of old age and some people were living with dementia or other mental health needs.This assessment took place from 17 December to the 20 December 2024. We carried out an on-site visit on 17 December 2024. The assessment was planned in response to concerns raised about the safety of people and the management of the service and governance systems. We did not identify any significant issues during this assessment and the service has remained Good, with minor areas identified for continued improvement. There were quality assurance checks completed by the management team to ensure care, treatment and good outcomes for people were maintained. However, whilst systems were in place and identified actions, there was no follow up as whether the actions had been successful. People received safe care and staff managed risks safely and effectively. People and staff told us they would feel confident to raise any concerns and that these would be responded to by the management team. The provider had liaised with external health professionals to provide joined up care and treatment for people. Staff and management knew people well and received an induction, training and support that enabled them to manage people’s health and social care effectively and in a responsive way. Staff treated people with kindness and compassion, and there was a positive and friendly culture in the service. Systems were in place that allowed people, relatives and staff to speak up and have their voices heard. There were ongoing improvement plans to make further improvements to the home.