- Independent hospital
Cobalt Health
Report from 4 March 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of assessment 11 March to 28 March. We undertook the assessment following information received from staff on the restructuring of personnel for the service. We assessed a total of 5 quality statements from the safe, 2 quality statements from caring and 3 from well-led and found areas of good practice. The scores for these areas have been combined with scores based on the key question ratings from the last inspection. Through assessing these 10 quality statements, our overall rating remains good We found that the provider had clear safeguarding processes that staff were aware of. The environment was clean and well maintained with good infection, prevention and control practices. Machinery and equipment used in the location was maintained to a high standard and a safety first culture was promoted. We saw evidence that patients' needs and preferences were included in the planning of treatment and the service performed allergy and safety checks. Staff we spoke with stated that they felt supported and respected and there was a strong emphasis on training, developing skills and participation in research. There were human resources process in place to ensure new starters were appropriately trained and experienced. There was management overview of skill mix and numbers of staff to ensure the safe running of the service. Leaders provided responses to feedback and staff stated that they felt listened to. Governance processes included the availability of a freedom to speak up guardian and staff stated that they felt involved in the management of the company. Leaders were described as visible and approachable.