7 August 2013
During a routine inspection
People confirmed they were aware of the treatment options available to them and the cost of the proposed treatments. People could discuss costs in private, if they wished to do so.
We observed people were not kept waiting and were seen promptly by the dentist. One person had commented in a patient survey 'I am never in the waiting room long enough to worry about it.' Another person said 'I am never kept waiting long enough to read a magazine.'
The staff at the practice attended appropriate training relating to safeguarding vulnerable people and children, infection control and emergency procedures.
We observed the decontamination room was clean and tidy. A dental nurse demonstrated the procedure they followed to ensure any risk of cross infection was minimised. We saw the practice completed regular infection control and clinical audits.
The treatment room was uncluttered, clean and well ventilated. The dental chair and equipment was clean and in good condition with no tears or rips.
Arrangements were in place to enable people to raise concerns if they needed. We saw there was a complaints log in place, although no complaints had been received.