- Independent doctor
Harley Psychiatrists Limited
Registration details
The location ID for Harley Psychiatrists Limited is 1-20395281000. CQC register Harley Psychiatrists Limited to carry out these legally regulated activities. Contact us if you think Harley Psychiatrists Limited is operating services not listed here.
Type of service
- Doctors/GPs
Service specialism
- Caring for adults over 65 yrs
- Caring for adults under 65 yrs
- Caring for children (0 - 18yrs)
- Mental health conditions
Local authority
Monitored services
CQC register Harley Psychiatrists Limited to carry out the following legally regulated services here:
Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Mr Elad Vartikovski is responsible for these services.
Mr Elad Vartikovski is the registered manager for these services at this location.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered provider must ensure that the regulated activity Treatment of disease, disorder or injury is managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of that activity at or from all locations.