4 October 2011
During an inspection in response to concerns
We spoke to people who use the service and the majority were generally satisfied with the service they received. People told us that they were given a range of options and they were able to make informed decisions on what treatment they received. They said they were treated well by the dentists and that they were satisfied with the service. They also said that they were involved as much as possible in their treatment.
However three of the people we spoke with told us that they were not fully informed of the options available to them and that they felt that more information could be provided.
One person told us that they had experienced some dissatisfaction with the service provided and did not feel that one of the dentist was very thorough when they had a check up. This person said that they had visited this dentist on three separate occasions over a period of 18 months and that they had not been offered a hygienist appointment. The person also told us that they felt their dentist was quite rude when speaking to them.
Another person told us that when they received treatment anaesthetic was given to numb their teeth. However, one of the dentist started treatment straight away without allowing time for the anaesthetic to take effect. Treatment had to be stopped and more anaesthetic given as the person was still in pain.
We were also informed by a person who has used the service that in their opinion there seemed to be friction between one of the dentists and the dental assistant and they said that they did not seem to work as a team.
People told us that they had no concerns about cleanliness or hygiene and said they were generally satisfied with the service provided.
We also spoke with the commissioning Primary Care Trust who told us that they had received nine complaints about the service since May 2010.