- Independent hospital
ACES (Cromwell Road)
Report from 28 May 2024 assessment
Ratings - Surgery
Our view of the service
We carried out this assessment due to the age of the service rating and in response to a concern raised with us. We inspected 9 quality statements across the safe, effective, responsive, and well-led key questions and have combined the scores for these areas with scores from the previous inspection to give the rating. There was a good safety culture where events were investigated, and learning was embedded to promote good practice. The service involved external stakeholders in incident investigations where appropriate and maintained records of incidents submitted to the Care Quality Commission. Leaders used a safeguarding training matrix to ensure staff were trained to the appropriate level. Staff we spoke with understood how to report safeguarding concerns, the service had a safeguarding lead and appropriate policies and processes in place to manage safeguarding concerns. People were given information and support to help them understand the risks involved in treatment, and staff recorded any additional needs to reduce risk. The environment was safe and well maintained. The service used safe and innovative security systems to restrict access, maintain and secure equipment and the environment. However, the service did not always have safe systems for appropriate and safe handling of medicines. Although some immediate actions were taken when concerns were raised on our onsite assessment, we have requested the service provide an action plan to address how and when they will make improvements to sustain change.
People's experience of this service
Patients and any family or carers with them were all positive about the staff treating them with warmth and kindness and providing effective care and treatment. Feedback surveys showed that nearly all patients would recommend the service, and people were satisfied with the outcomes and care provided. People said they did not feel anxious about raising concerns. We observed that staff interacted with people kindly.