We spoke with four people who used the service. They said that all the staff at the practice were professional and knowledgeable.People also said they were happy with the quality of care and dental treatment offered by the dental practice. People said they were fully involved in decisions about their treatments and felt they got good clear explanations. They said they felt safe. Other comments included:
'I always know the plan and what will be happening next'
'Everyone here is very friendly, get on well with them all'
'Treatment always explained well, including how much it will cost.'
However, one person we spoke with said they found one of the dentists to be a little 'brusque' at times. They also said they found the costing system confusing.
We saw staff treating people with respect, being polite, helpful, flexible, friendly and courteous. We spoke with three members of staff, on the day of our visit, this included, a dental nurse, a dental therapist and receptionist who were all able to explain and give examples of how they respected people's dignity, privacy and confidentiality. Records we looked at showed that people who used the service were involved in any decisions regarding their treatment.
Staff working in the practice said they were aware of what action they should take if they suspected any abuse or a patient made an allegation of abuse.
There were some quality monitoring systems in place. However, the provider did not have fully effective systems in place to monitor the quality and safety of the service they provided.